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AH the journey ends.
Time to sit down relax look at the six million junk emails and the multitude of posts put on the site aghhhhhh!!!!!!.
Well that was the first meet of 2006 and if they continue like that, well all I can say is fantastic start to the year.
We set of early to miss the traffic on
M25 and arrived at about half past nine in the morning after our 220 mile
pop over there. Was met by Andi hammering signs in on way to site and
found Dr Siddeley already on site as well. Soon set up and relaxing with a
cuppa when Spitfire and Kutie turn up, closely followed by Poacher in his
Spitfire stopped and was unpacking rear of his car, as Scenic dived under the bonnet and changed throttle cable before Spitfire had time to blink. Dr Siddeley was spotted around the site, trying to herd his dog up which had snapped her lead and was doing her best to avoid going back to him Brutus was next too arrive with his Mobile Palace and was soon set up in the lap of luxury. Scouse appeared next and was staying in tent, brave or mad fools as wind was bitter and even quite cool :) even by Scenic's standards.
Michael Hague with Kath and his small
puppy Oh OK it is Huge was the next to arrive and his car was examined,
nearly before he had time to get out of door :) Now for Marquee putting up
and tying down to heavy objects I kept moving as didn't wish to be a
ballast weight all weekend. Finally Griswald arrives and all is set for a
night of chatting and catching up and tea drinking oh and maybe some
alcohol. Griswald given grief for
forgetting the quizzes he claims he left on a table at home a likely
Morning arose bright and early stepped outside and went brrrrr, still cold
but dry so time to take some piccys of cars. The farmer gave us permission
to use his fields and a little track through the woods so of we went and
had a quick play big grins. Mike and Kath returned and problems attacked
on car, leaking vacuum tubing, spill hose leaking, front fogs re wired
into correct loom. Then shown where wiring for high level brake light
exists and where to connect for power lift for scooter using Tow bar
wiring, all in a days work at a Owners club Meet. A gaggle of Musso's went
offroading with the newest being the only one to get stuck sorry Paul (Scouse
I had to mention it ) needing
Griswald to tow him up the hill Steve was so happy he was grinning from
ear to ear that it wasn't him. Dr Siddeley knocked a side step loose as
well but all in a few minutes work repaired and good as new. Scouses car
examined why the front hubs weren't locking and yep the dreaded vacuum
tubing perished soon fixed and ready to go again. Then a Korando arrives
with Sandy and Paul. Once again the usual swarm of people :) it must be
scary to watch parts of your car disappearing from people you have never
met before, but spill hose replaced and rear wiper wash fixed. The
infamous trumpet removed from air box and more happy members. Also had
visit from Terry with a Kyron from NMG which was very nice. Taken around
our track and Scouse gets to check his 4wd and yep it all works fine. The
Kyron just sailed around as well and seems to have more clearance than the
Musso so better for playing. Also visit from a GX220 with Sam and Janet
with children and A nice Black Rexton with Barry and Paul. Before evening
we went to a nice little ford Brutus reverses in to check depth all ok
then six mussos go flying through it. Back for ordering food mmm, then it
is the club favourite Chinese auction time where children get scarred for
life holding onto a soft toy only
have it snatched away by a grinning adult in exchange for a box of mints.
Then some quizzes and another night of chatting and laughter.
Sunday morning Brutus has one spill hose to change as it is leaking (left him one little job lol ). The morning spent tinkering around and playing in field and woods. First too have to Leave is Mike and Kath and then Scouse had to depart donating his tent to the club as a Tea room which will know be known as Ashlea's Tea Room. Then off to find some Fords, and a little round trip of eighty or so miles with some lovely fords found and a chance for Griswald to don his waders and discover that they had a leak. Upon return Brutus had to pack up to leave and the night was spent in Ashleas Tea room :).
Monday a day of slow rising and packing with one last play around the field and then off home.
A big thank you to all for the wonderful time and hope to see you all and more in the near future.
a Short video of the meet, right click and choose save target as
Thanks to Brutus for the video
As always a big thanks to Scenic for the pictures and write up, how does he find the time !!
All Images Copyright 2005 Ssangyong Owners Club