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Well another Meet is done and dusted, following the traditions of old with The Fourgoes being first on the site on the Thursday. We had already heard that week that the Wiz could not make it, due to their not being enough hours in a day to fit all his work in and SteveI having brake problems which where to provide light relief on the Saturday Night. Sitting at home on the Thursday thinking only a few hours to go till we head to the meet the phone rang and I decided a quick trip to the Balkan states would make sure my weekend was enlivened :(.
Arriving back at 5am on the Friday
morning and getting to bed at 9am after speaking to Spitfire to say i
would be a bit late we arrived at six pm at the Sherwood forest caravan
Park first impressions as you drive down a long road under a bridge made
you think good site and I don't believe anyone was disappointed so
another good site picked by the Fourgoes . Upon arrival met by Paul and
his new Mobile Home which he called a van His awning was Huge and could
have done a full Musso Servicing inside it :).
We parked up and a look around at some
of the people already there the Fourgoes (Paul, Sam and Family)
Ssangyong Steve but no Orange shed he has upgraded after the last meet
with the rain being almost as heavy inside his van as outside. Hymerman
( Ken and Jean ) Deets ( Alan and Sara, Jess) Spitfire (Gareth) and
his wife who has now revealed her secret identity of Kutie Korando
(Vicky) After we arrived the others began arriving including Boneshaker
( Jason and Mathew ( Sleeping in a tent THEY are certifiably insane ).
Andi ( Andi, Chris and rug rat :) ) Brutus ( Chris and Melissa). A
phone call from Frog going help I am lost despatched Paul to go and
navigate through the wilds. There then followed a quick informal
greeting in The fourgoes Mansion of an awning before I had to go off to
bed as needed sleep.
Upon awakening on the Saturday there
had been a good frost but the day showed promise of a cool but sunny day
which was to follow The Fourgoes arranged a walk for or intrepid
explorers and archery where Paul became the main target of Chris but he
managed to survive to plan another meet.
Under the bonnet of Bone shakers Musso
was explored as the garage had been unable to find anything a few
seconds later and three split vacuum hoses found :).
We had a few arrivals during the day A
silver Musso from Rotherham apologies as I am useless with names someone
will remind me PLEASE.. A red Korando Remy (Martyn) and GasmanCD in his
Green Musso ( Ian ). That night we had use of a small hall upon the
site for the Chinese Auction and Quiz which produced the usual laughs
and Chris ran off with our Biccys :(. We phoned SteveI and asked how he
was doing which caused a lot of swearing from him and much laughter from
us when he explained he had rebuilt his wheel following brake disc
change but forgotten to refit the abs exciter ring. The night ended
with people staggering back to their vans and looking forward to a good
nights sleep.
Proof that club members are mad ! |
The Sunday was another clear and sunny
day with people surfacing mid morning onwards and getting sorted for
their journeys home when adey cade and his tribe of children they cant
all be his :) turned up and had the usual diesel spill hoses replaced.
The only ones staying the last night where Spitfire and Kutie and their
friends oh only themselves :). The mad rush home proved Sat Nav and a
non turbo Musso can get ahead of a Turbo Musso much to Deets Surprise.
Only six weeks to the next meet
Scenic |
The rest of the pictures, more will be added as they arrive.
The following images are higher resolution so may take a while to download.
Thanks to Fourgo, Spitfire4 and Scenic for the pictures
Copyright 2003/4 Ssangyong Owners Club