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The Ssangyong Owners Club Napton Meet
August 2005

Arrival at the site at midday on Thursday (scenic) it was Hot melted by the time the awning was up. Not too long after Paul Sam and Katarina ( Fourgoes) arrived and where set up as well. Caught up on the news and that Kasandrich had good practice in visiting the site the weekend before and then had to take his van back down South to bring up this weekend.

Later in the night Deets arrived and demonstrated the art of awning erection in the dark probably a trick learnt from Andi at previous meets :).  The Friday morning arrived nice and clear as well and while away shopping Spitfire and Kutie arrived  then the arrivals started thick and fast with Brutus ,Hymerman, Ssangyong Steve, Kasandrich, Griswald and Andi all making the field look a more Musso friendly place. 

 The New Marquee was erected and looks a lot better made than the old one even though teething problems with a bent pole which Andi is going to attack Makro for, but overall it seems a far better made contraption. Lots of chat and people catching up on what had all happened since they where last about together.

The Saturday brought an overcast day but never ones to be deterred bonnets where opened and Mussos attacked with alarms being fitted, Air Con checked, Vacuum diagnosing, sump guards replaced and door trims changed and auxiliary spring fitting, the jobs are less in depth now and seem more cosmetic than engine repairs nowadays a welcome visit was Turnover Turbo arriving in the morning to say hello then Mileoman arrived as he wanted to go play that afternoon. The heavens opened and rain was coming thick and fast just too add fun to our off road driving :). Seven cars went too tackle a 26 mile  route which a lot was lanes, but some good challenging bits as well, and some deep ruts. Just to maintain his 100% record of incidents first too get stuck was Griswald and yep guess whose car had a bit of trim come loose, Griswald again. The track was challenging in places especially for a couple of members with 3wd but once again all made it through with no damage to their vehicles, although a couple of finger biting moments over some bumps. Upon return a visit from Boneshaker bringing sidesteps and key rings just popped up from London in torrential rain Musso owners are certifiably MAD. Also a visit from Al, no internet access as yet but had heard of club through me and  persuaded to buy a Musso ....mad fool.

The usual traditional owners club meet activities occurred with Chinese auction, quiz and large quantities of tea and some other beverages being consumed. Ssangyong Steve raised a laugh after going for the fluffy dice then realising he had no interior mirror to hang them from but a problem overcome later in the day. Sunday was a brighter day the rain having passed and members did more cosmetic work sprucing up wiper arms and cleaning mud from previous day ice-cream van made a welcome visit and Sam turned up in his very nice Silver GX220 which drew lots of admiring glances to his chrome A bar and side steps.

Ah well it was all too soon the Monday and the remaining majority had too pack up and go with a strong contingent of the Fourgoes Ssangyong Steve and Kasandrich being able too stay on and enjoy the weather and peace and tranquillity once the rest of us reprobates left.



Click On a thumbnail below to view the pictures full size, keep checking back as more pictures will be added as soon as they arrive.

Pictures from Scenic

Pictures from Spitfire4

Pictures from Deets







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