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The Ssangyong Owners Club Atherstone Meet
August 18th - 20th

Hello again
Another highly successful meet and thanks again to all those who organise and do all the work behind the scenes.
I was first to arrive on an overcast Thursday with arrivals later in the day being Spitfire and Andi, along with their better halves and the children. Weather being its usual self sunny sometime then torrential rain the next minute but soon all set up and able to relax after another journey taking a few hours to get there.
The Friday saw the arrival of the madding Crowds with Brutus and Caesar so a Korando and Musso in the corner, Musso Magic, Scouse Griswald and Croft Manor appearing after proving caravans do float after driving through a flooded lane :).  Boogyman arrived as well staying in a local B&B, Marquee was thrown up a lot quicker this time than the first time and shelter and hot cuppas available for all. The evening saw everyone relaxing and having a good chat and catch up on what had happened since the last meet and putting the world to rights :).
Saturday saw Dr Siddeley arriving in his Armstrong which had lots of admiration and if a musso looks half as good at that age it will be a wonder, Also had a visit from New members Delbren after being accosted by Brutus and informed of the local meet, One spill hose replaced and some vacuum tubing replaced as split in a few places and car failing to stop when ignition turned off.
Brutus then led a merry tribe on an off-road excursion and being determined to star, decided to show how flexible his CB aerial was and unlucky for him this was whilst apparently driving under a barrier, end of aerial met rear screen and then a few quaint anglo saxon words no doubt as his rear screen did its impression of rice crispies. After he had stopped it was cracking away but on a plus side it showed how the privacy film keeps all the glass in place and kept his car on the road. 
The evening saw  the majority having a takeaway meal apologies again for Croft manor, but all enjoyed the evening activities of Chinese auction and raffle and then the cabaret of entertainment provided from The Inch Clan yes we have the video Rachel, it goes on eBay to the highest bidder.
Sunday was a special day for Darcy and Oliver as it was their ninth Birthday, They had a special party and Treasure hunt and many happy returns to them both.
Boogyman found his car being attacked from Spitfire who discovered his clunking rattle was a rear broken shock which Brutus had a spare old one and Spitfire fitted so he could sit his MOT on Monday which it passed.
Soon it was time for Croft Manor and Scouse along with their other halves and families to leave, but this still left six couples attending on the Sunday night a convention which Spitfire started and as per the norm all seem to have adopted .  The Sunday night saw another takeaway and Trivial pursuit and alcohol :) the winner being some Welsh person as per.
Monday awoke to torrential rain but then the sun broke through allowing packing at a relaxed rate and all to make their way back to various parts of the country.
Some have asked for meets nearer to there selves but the reason the majority of meets are around the midlands are as they are central for all with a few members travelling in excess of a hundred miles to attend.
Once again all are welcome or organise a meet near to yourselves if you get the chance pop in just to say hello and a warm welcome awaits along with tea and biscuits and your car being tinkered with if you have small problems.
Till the next one near York (aghhh 250 Miles) take care all and happy motoring.
 Ps I forgot my camera phone and list of things not to forget ( getting older ) so pictures will be arriving from others.

Thanks as Usual to Spitfire4 and Andi for the pics below ( good job someone remembered to take a camera )

Thanks to Croft Manor for the pictures below

Pictures below courtesy of Brutus



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