A big
thank you to all who where involved in organising our best attended Meet so
couple of the keen members with longer distances in excess of 150 miles
arrived on the Thursday and claimed our territory well not strictly true as
from the Friday on we had the whole site to ourselves. T
majority of the others arriving at various times on the Friday. The Friday
night saw a couple of quizzes and a get together within the marquee for
drinks chatting meeting old and new faces as we had a few members attending
their first but hopefully not their last meet. On the Friday night their was
Andi, Brutus, Deets, Dr Siddeley, Griswald, MussoMark1234, PJKnowles,
Poacher, Scenic, Spitfire, SsangyongSteve.
On the
Saturday CroftManor and Mussomagic arrived as well to stay with day visits
from DmussoBlue and Pedro.
Nine mussos went off to play in the mud leaving Scenic working hard on his
car as it had developed a nasty mechanical clunk on the way up which saw him
doing a gnome impression on either side of car stripping wheel bearings
greasing prop shafts and checking transfer case oil level over the weekend.
All the members who went out returned safely with cars in various of colours
of mud and no damage apparent. The Saturday night the Fourgoes arrived for
the social event so we had the traditional Chinese auction and raffles with
over 30 people in the marquee if this continues we need another one as it
was full to standing room only :).
usual diesel spill pipes where replaced on a couple of Mussos and The SE
models found to have LSD whilst the GSE doesn't :( And various other small
faults noted and attacked with the usual Gusto. Scenic when rebuilding
fitted his wheel and then remembered reattaching the brakes might be handy
:). MussoMark slept in his car for the weekend and on the Saturday was told
you know it folds into a bed which he found far more comfortable than
rolling onto the latch mechanism. He also stripped his 4wd position motor
into pieces but still has a 4wd problem even though all the parts seem ok.
On the
Sunday a lazy day was had by all chatting eating and drinking doing
electrics and eating even more all too soon some had to leave with few
staying and having a very merry night on the Sunday Night Griswald showing
off his new lights by locking his Keys in the car lucky his better half had
the spares to save him much embarresment
Monday saw a nice slow pack up happening with the last to leave the site by
1330 Overall a brilliant meet and new friends made and hope to see you all
at Christmas and hopefully even more people as the news spreads of the fun
we have.
Cya all
soon Scenic